What kind of problems can occur in the APP when taking a measurement with the GLUCUBE device and how to solve them
The possible errors that can occur when taking a measurement are:- Error when saving measurement
- The APP does not work correctly or the screen freezes
- GLUCUBE device does not appear in the list of Bluetooth devices in the APP
- No notification appears to pair the GLUCUBE device and enter the pairing PIN
- The GLUCUBE measurement does not start
Error when saving a mesurement
The possible causes for why after taking a measurement it is not saved are both the lack of internet connection on the smartphone and an error in the connection with the GLUCUBE cloud. In these cases:
- Check the internet connection (WI-FI, mobile data...)
If the error persists, please contact Customer Service
The APP does not work correctly or the screen freezes
This type of error is due to a problem in the operation of the APP and the solutions to this type of problem are:
- Restart the App and check if the error continues
- Delete and reinstall the App and check if the error continues
- Restart the smartphone and check if the error continues
If the error persists, please contact Customer Service
The GLUCUBE device does not appear in Bluetooth list devices in the APP
If the device does not appear in Bluetooth list devices in the APP, when pairing GLUCUBE device, you should:
- Make sure that the smartphone's Bluetooth is activated
- Make sure that the smartphone's location permissions are activated
- Make sure that the Nearby Devices permission is activated
This permission does not necessary if the smartphone is iOS or Android version 11 or lower
- Reset the GLUCUBE device
- Restart the smartphone
If the error persists, please contact Customer Service
No notification appears to pair the GLUCUBE device and enter the pairing PIN
When pairing the GLUCUBE device, a pairing notification must appear in which the pairing PIN must be entered. In case this does not happen:
- Check the notification bar of the smartphone
- Enable floating notifications of GLUCUBE APP in the settings of your smartphone
- Restart the APP
- Reset the GLUCUBE device
- Restart the smartphone
If the error persists, please contact Customer Service
In case a user wants to perform a measurement but it does not start, the following instructions must be followed:
- Make sure that you have activated the smartphone's Bluetooth
- Make sure that you have activated the smartphone's location permissions
- Make sure that the Nearby Devices permission is activated
This permission is not necessary if the smartphone is iOS or Android version 11 or lower
- Restart the APP
- Reset the GLUCUBE device
- Restart the smartphone
If the error persists, please contact Customer Service